Children SOS


Formulas elaborated based on Certified Flower Essences, designed for children’s issues


The Children SOSformula works as a powerful rescue essence.

It acts effectively and quickly in any severe event, for example intense fears, uneasiness, fits of anger, tantrums, etc.

When the child is unable to contain their emotional excesses and falls prey to their mayhem.

Very useful when the pain is physical, as in traumas caused by falls, headaches, stomachaches, dental problems, etc. In these cases both an oral consumption and external use are recommended until reducing discomfort.

A big contribution offered by this emergency essence, above all when compared to its adult version, is that it gives a fast feeling of emotional comfort; because this formula has been made keeping sadness or uneasiness in mind, feelings that children often express when they are under these circumstances. They feel like they are in their parents’ arms.

This formula induces a rapid state of tranquility and peace, it reduces uneasiness levels and the fear that children may feel. At times, it may induce sleep, given its properties as a natural anxiolytic.

Fast calming effect of a broad emotional spectrum, it promotes feelings of comfort, relief, peace, and safety.

Sugerencia de toma: Aplicar cuatro gotas. Repetir, si es necesario, hasta conseguir el efecto deseado.

Sin efectos colaterales, ni contraindicaciones, no hay riesgo de sobredosis. Fórmulas diseñadas por ALTIUS HEALING.


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