
Formulas Especially Designed For Cats And Dogs


This formula is a great help when our pet has been a victim of a traumatic episode.

It helps alleviate the consequences of street fights, traumas produced by previous owners’ abuses, or by accidents.

These episodes may not only leave visible scars, they can also leave emotional damage. More often than not, the pet has behavior changes, which can be proof of a past trauma.

Shaky animals that lower their eyes, hide their tale or pee involuntarily are showing signs of having lived a negative experience.

They could show aggressive behaviors as well, all part of a coping mechanism to face a conduct they interpret as threatening.

The TRAUMA AND STRESS FORMULA helps heal physical and emotional wounds provoked by traumas, promoting a healthier and more adequate behavior in our pet through the progressive elimination of the negative emotions linked to the trauma.

It alleviates discomfort, fear, and terror and it gives a sense of security and protection, peace, healing.

Sugerencia de toma: Suministrar cuatro gotas, cuatro veces al día, directo a la boca de la mascota.

Relieving effects can be enhanced by adding the full content of a pippete into the pet´s water bowl.