Our pets feel abandoned every time the human leaves the house. This explains why our pets feel such a relief and enthusiasm when the human comes back.
This situation is more noticeable and extreme when the pet is left alone in the house. The feelings go from mild to severe sadness, different levels of fear, uneasiness, and stress due to the feeling of abandonment and helplessness.
It is usually through barking, howling and crying how they let us know how they are feeling. Sometimes, they do not even touch their food until the human comes back. This may be interpreted as a sign of rebellion or apathy product of their feelings of sadness.
They also express anger by biting object, even to the point of destruction; or peeing in inadequate places inside the house, as an act of protest and vengeance towards the human.
The HOME ALONE formula may help decrease and eradicate feelings of abandonment, reducing the anxiety, fear, anger, and stress.
This formula offers a feeling of relief; harmonizes and balances negative emotions, boosting levels of peace and tranquility. It promotes the feeling of well-being, unconditional love, and trust.
Sugerencia de toma: Cuatro gotas, cuatro veces al día, directo en la boca de la mascota. Se puede potenciar o reemplazar esta toma, aplicando el contenido de una pipeta en el bebedero.
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