Just like with humans, our pets experience important and radical changes in all aspects during a pregnancy.
Sudden, and at times extreme, changes in mood may transform the animal into a completely different pet. Aggressiveness episodes, especially after giving birth, are more than usual. This aggressiveness may be directed towards the humans or towards their own litter, sometimes even resulting in death.
During pregnancy, because of hormonal changes, different behaviors appear, such as isolation periods, withdrawal, and apathy, which can lead to lowering food intake, resulting in the possible loss of the litter.
The PREGNANCY AND LACTATION formula helps level mood swings in pets. It provides greater stability levels, both physiological and emotional.
This formula helps the pet adapt to changes in a more natural manner, reducing or eliminating the apathy, providing a greater feeling of comfort and support. It also helps restrain feelings of fear and anxiety that pets may feel when the due date gets closer.
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