
Flower bach based for specific temporal psycho-emotional states in adults


Faith and trust in oneself are crucial elements in a person’s development. When two people are given the same task, the one with faith and self-trust will perform better and faster. This is applied in every aspect of life, from the simple things to the complex ones.
Self-trust refers to believing on our own capabilities to carry out a task.
“nothing can be more serious that losing faith and trust… even in oneself”
This formula helps us regain trust and faith in our capabilities, our environment and in life itself.
Para cuando creemos que se han cerrado todos los caminos y que “no hay nada más que hacer…”. Cuando actuamos como espectadores y no como protagonista y artífices de nuestra vida. Pérdida del objetivo, sensación de fracaso anticipado, falta de entusiasmo, renuncia a alcanzar nuestros anhelos y sueños.
Wake up your inner flame, which is the driving force and support of all our projects, objectives, and most secret ambition that is the base of our very existence. Provide enthusiasm, vital force, determination, FAITH and TRUST.